javascript - Building my own database of Facebook posts by calling Graph API via Server? -

i want build own database of facebook posts periodically calling facebook graph api , saving results. user communicate own database instead of directly facebook.

i know api calls require access token generated facebook login. understand, means user logging in on clientside using own access token make calls. however, want make calls server, which means using own access token.

to illustrate process flow:

*server* myfbaccesstoken ---(api call every 15 mins)---> facebook ---(returns)---> fb posts ---(save to)---> mydatabase  *client*  viewfbposts ---(db call)---> mydatabase 

my questions are:
1. possible use single access token regularly call api server? (every 15 mins)
2. doing violate usage limitations on how can call api?
3. facebook allow storing of content on external databases?

alternatively, if not recommended, know of way more latest 25 posts facebook /feed?

i using mean stack (mongodb, expressjs, angularjs, nodejs) asynchronous functions.

  1. yes, can use same token same user multiple times. however, once expires, have re-login user again new access token.

  2. there not official limitation of number of queries sending graph api. however, being involved in sphere long time, found out 1 query per 1 second workable single user. if try exceed it, json error.

  3. you not have notify facebook going store data in external database. permitted information using graph api and, afterwards, totally going data. facebook responsible flow of data servers , making sure person has right information on legal basis.
