i trying create contenteditable
has chip-elements inside should drag & dropable. can take of poorly working thing on my github repo.
the story of how got things working far , after struggling days able come solution seems work in let's 90% of cases.
one remaining problem though is possible select text , drag & drop inside text area:
the selection here "lling <div class="chip">red screwdriver</div> an
". in order disallow see 2 options:
either disallow text selection @ - not succeed far - or take @ drop event , check dragged html content. problem don't know how can that. since want allow 1 single element being drag & dropped @ time, compare "lling <div class="chip">red screwdriver</div> an
" dragged element:
string draggedhtmldataasstring = event.getdraggedhtmldataasstring(); if(this.draggedelement.gethtml().equals(draggedhtmldataasstring) == false) { // don't accept data } else { // accept data }
but don't know how can data drop event. pure gwt/java solution javascrit/jsni solution me.
any suggestions better welcome.
i tried disallow selection but, see ..
to prevent selection, add css class widget:
.noselect { -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; }
instead of displaying text text, can break down individual tokens, each represented inlinelabel widget (or "span" element).
for example, have these tokens:
- we selling
- blue screwdriver
- and
- red screwdriver
you add each inlinelabel container, setting "contenteditable" on widgets "draggable" on allow drag.
if need ability drop new chips between words, each token should represent 1 word only. may prevent chips being dropped inside word - , allow drops in spaces between tokens.
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