i having trouble when trying link "sdl" library clion. running windows 10 computer. here cmakelists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(version 3.5) project(testing2) #includes cmake/findsdl2.cmake set(cmake_module_path ${cmake_module_path} "${project_source_dir}/cmake") find_package(sdl2 required) include_directories(${sdl2_include_dir}) set(source_files src/main.c) add_executable(testing2 ${source_files}) target_link_libraries(testing2 ${sdl2_library})
i using these "findsdl2.cmake": https://github.com/tcbrindle/sdl2-cmake-scripts.
when reload cmakelists.txt says sdl2 cannot found. have made directory on desktop have stored sdl files.
this similar problem.
i managed fix deleting had tried.
i downloaded mingw compiler, , chose these packages:
after downloaded "opengl-tutorial_v0015_33" opengl-tutorial.org. , worked (i don't know if doesn't work). , afterwards salvaged small parts of code needed, if know little bit cmake files you'll figure out you'll need, , commented.
good luck else wanting traverse treacherous path.
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