Extjs Grid Edit Plugin - Textfield focus not removed when resizing parent modal window -

when setting clickstoedit : 2 option edit cell using grid edit plugin, textfield sets focus properly. when dragging or resizing modal window textfield needs remove focus.

the issue textfield not blurred.

here's screenshot of issue:

after resize panel textbox change position bug

plugins: [     ext.create('ext.grid.plugin.cellediting', {         clickstoedit : 2     }) ], 

i have attached code in jsfiddle.

steps reproduce issue:

  1. double click edit name.
  2. resize panel right bottom.now textbox have focus , position of textbox changed.

as far can see code, has unfixed issue extjs 4.2.x. not sure extjs 4.2.4 , 4.2.5, of 4.2.3 bug still there.

the "funny" thing datepickerfield editor correctly. possibly can @ code of datepickerfield , make override textfield based on that.

in newer versions of extjs (5.1 , 6.0), problem no longer show.

you ask workaround availability in sencha forums.

edit: valid workaround add cellediting plugin:

pluginid: 'editing' 

and panel:

listeners:{     resize:function(panel) {         var plugin = panel.down('grid').getplugin('editing');         if(plugin.editing) plugin.canceledit();     } } 
