is possible use stomp on sockjs without mvc. have spring rest interface in tomcat, , angular2 application run express.
@configuration @enablewebsocketmessagebroker public class websocketconfig extends abstractwebsocketmessagebrokerconfigurer { @override public void registerstompendpoints(stompendpointregistry registry) { // endpoint websocket connections registry.addendpoint("/portfolio").setallowedorigins("*").withsockjs(); } @override public void configuremessagebroker(messagebrokerregistry config) { config.setapplicationdestinationprefixes("/app"); config.enablesimplebroker("/topic"); } }
@controller public class socketcontroller { @autowired private simpmessagingtemplate template; public socketcontroller() { int = 5; } @messagemapping("/greeting") public string handle(string greeting) { return "[" + "greeting" + ": " + greeting; } }
and typescript code:
. . .
constructor() { var socket = new sockjs('http://localhost:8080/portfolio'); this.stompclient = stomp.over(socket); this.stompclient.connect("guest", "guest", function(frame) { console.log('connected: ' + frame); this.stompclient.subscribe('http://localhost:8080/topic/greeting', function(greeting) { console.log("from from", greeting); }); }, function (err) { console.log('err', err); }); }
. . .
send() { this.stompclient.send("http://localhost:8080/app/greeting", {}, json.stringify({ 'name': "kitica" })); }
. . .
but reason not working.. in console output:
opening web socket... stomp.js:134 web socket opened... stomp.js:134 >>> connect login:guest passcode:guest accept-version:1.1,1.0 heart-beat:10000,10000 stomp.js:134 <<< connected version:1.1 heart-beat:0,0 stomp.js:134 connected server undefined activity-socket.ts:17 connected: connected heart-beat:0,0 version:1.1
and when send get
>>> send destination:http://localhost:8080/app/greeting content-length:17
but message never comes subscriber.
angular2 on port 8001 , spring rest on 8080
the part confusing using spring-boot-rest , not serving angular2 static tomcat container, have angular2 under webpack trying subscribe , send relative url.
the right way is:
import {component} '@angular/core'; import {activityservice} '../common/services'; import {materializedirective} 'angular2-materialize'; import {larsactionbuttoncomponent} '../common/components'; var sockjs = require('sockjs-client'); var stomp = require('stompjs'); @component({ selector: 'activity', providers: [activityservice], directives: [materializedirective, larsactionbuttoncomponent], templateurl: 'app/activity/activity.html' }) export class activity { stompclient: any; activityid: any; text: any; messages: array<string> = new array<string>(); constructor() { } send() { this.stompclient.send('/app/hello/' + this.activityid, {}, json.stringify({ 'name': this.text })); } connect() { var = this; var socket = new sockjs('tst-rest.mypageexample/hello?activityid=' + this.activityid); this.stompclient = stomp.over(socket); this.stompclient.connect({}, function (frame) { console.log('connected: ' + frame); that.stompclient.subscribe('/topic/greetings/' + that.activityid, function (greeting) { that.messages.push(json.parse(greeting.body).content); }); }, function (err) { console.log('err', err); }); } }
and in spring controller:
@controller public class socketcontroller { @messagemapping("/hello") @sendto("/topic/greetings") public greeting greeting(hellomessage message) throws exception { return new greeting("hello, " + message.getname() + "!"); } }
configuration class:
@configuration @enablewebsocketmessagebroker public class websocketconfig extends abstractwebsocketmessagebrokerconfigurer { @override public void configuremessagebroker(messagebrokerregistry config) { config.enablesimplebroker("/topic"); config.setapplicationdestinationprefixes("/app"); } @override public void registerstompendpoints(stompendpointregistry registry) { registry.addendpoint("/hello").setallowedorigins("*").withsockjs(); } }
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