Django-rest-auth using user object -

i have django project in using django-rest-auth authenticate users.

installed_apps = (  'django.contrib.admin',  'django.contrib.auth',  'django.contrib.contenttypes',  'django.contrib.sessions',  'django.contrib.messages',  'django.contrib.staticfiles',  'django.contrib.sites',  'rest_framework',  #following added allow cross domain requests  'corsheaders',  #following added ssl thing  'djangosecure',  'sslserver',  #following added authentication  'rest_framework.authtoken',  'rest_auth',  'allauth',  'allauth.account',  'rest_auth.registration',  'demo', ) 

i have 2 models: exercise , rating. did not create user model must provided django-rest-auth / django.contrib.auth. user can give multiple ratings particular exercise.

my following:

class exercise(models.model):  #field storing exercise type exercise_type_choices = (     (1, 'best stretch'),     (2, 'butterfly reverse'),     (3, 'squat row'),     (4, 'plank'),     (5, 'push up'),     (6, 'side plank'),     (7, 'squat'), ) exercise_type = models.integerfield(choices=exercise_type_choices)  #field storing intensity level intensity_level_choices = (     (1, 'really simple'),     (2, 'rather simple'),     (3, 'simple'),     (4, 'okay'),     (5, 'difficult'),     (6, 'rather difficult'),     (7, 'really difficult'), )  intensity_level = models.integerfield(choices=intensity_level_choices) #field storing video url particular exercise video_url = models.urlfield() #field storing description of exercise description = models.charfield(max_length=500)   class rating(models.model):  #field storing exercise type exercise = models.foreignkey(exercise, related_name='ratings', blank=true, null=true) #field storing rating rating_choices = (     ('h', 'happy'),     ('n', 'neutral'),     ('s', 'sad'), ) value = models.charfield(max_length=1,choices=rating_choices)    

according description above rating model should contain userid foreign key along exerciseid, right?

how can achieve this? how can modify rating model? need import?

from django.contrib.auth.models import user  class rating(models.model):     user = models.foreignkey(user)     # other fields 

i think looking for. here example think related question
