i have following angular 1.5 component:
(function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('employeeinformation') .controller('employeedetailctrl', employeedetailctrl) .component('employeedetail', employeedetail); var employeedetail = { templateurl: '../views/components/employeedetail.html', controller: 'employeedetailctrl empdetail', bindings: { employee: '<' } }; function employeedetailctrl() { } })();
based on examples on angular's site, seems correct me. however, when include file on page, error saying cannot register component:
[$injector:modulerr] failed instantiate module employeeinformation due to: typeerror: cannot read property 'controller' of undefined @ $compileprovider.registercomponent [as component]
if remove reference component, page loads fine. have idea i'm doing wrong?
edit: have service in same module composed (that wrapped in function , without empty array - see below) works correctly:
(function () { 'use strict'; angular .module('employeeinformation') .service('employeeservice', employeeservice); employeeservice.$inject = ['$http']; function employeeservice($http) { var apiprefix = 'http://dvlemployees/api/employees'; this.find = find; this.get = get; this.getone = getone; function find(queryobj) { } function get() { } function getone(empnumber) { } })();
edit2: @frondor, figured out true problem was calling angular.component
on object before had defined it. moving var employeedetail
section top fixed problem.
(function(angular) { 'use strict'; angular.module('employeeinformation', []) .controller('employeedetailctrl', employeedetailctrl) .component('employeedetail', { templateurl: 'view.html', controller: employeedetailctrl, bindings: { hello: '=' } }); function employeedetailctrl(){ this.world = 'world!'; } })(window.angular);
<body ng-app="employeeinformation"> <!-- components match elements --> <div ng-controller="employeedetailctrl ctrl"> <h1> <employee-detail hello="'hello'"></employee-detail> </h1> </div> </body>
<span>{{$ctrl.hello}} {{$ctrl.world}}</span>
you need specify empty array after module's name, if not using dependency on app.
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