php - Insert multiple items into a database row and return the results separated by commas -

is there way insert multiple items database row return results , counter part commas?

for instance:

post postid       url                                              hits 1  ,            35,20 

so post 1 has 2 urls in it, google has 35 hits, while facebook has 20. want show result using like:

$query = $db->query_first("   select * ". table_prefix ."post   url = '" . $drc_url . "' "); 

but want pull 1 url @ time corresponding hits value. possible? if can point me in right direction?

right php looks like:

$query = $db->query_first("select * ". table_prefix ."post url = '" . $drc_url . "'");        if (!$query){            $db->query_write("insert ". table_prefix ."redirect (url, hits) values ('" . $drc_url . "', 1)");       } else {            $db->query_write("update ". table_prefix ."redirect set hits = hits + 1 url = '" . $drc_url . "'");        }   

but if theyre in same $postid want them put in same row

see comments in code.

$drc_url = "";  /* insert/update */ $query = $db->query("select * ". table_prefix ."post url '%" . $drc_url . "%'"); if ( $query->num_rows > 0 ) {     // url can in multiple rows - go through each row     while( $row = $query->fetch_assoc() ) {         //find url position/index within list         //if it's possible urls separated else comma (for example "comma , space", "space", etc), need add functionality able find them correctly         $urls = explode( ',', $row[ 'url' ] );         $index = array_search( $drc_url, $urls );         //same previous comment goes hits row         $hits = explode( ',', $row[ 'hits' ] );         //increment hits number on correct value         $hits[$index]++;         //update hits (put them string array incremented value) - use unique identificator in clause         $db->query("update ". table_prefix ."redirect set hits = '" . implode( ',', $hits ) . "' postid = '" . $row[ 'postid' ] . "'");     } } else {     // url not found - insert     $db->query("insert ". table_prefix ."redirect (url, hits) values ('" . $drc_url . "', 1)"); }   /* select */ //same functionality above, not updating $query = $db->query("select * ". table_prefix ."post url '%" . $drc_url . "%'"); while( $row = $query->fetch_assoc() ) {     $urls = explode( ',', $row[ 'url' ] );     $index = array_search( $drc_url, $urls );     $hits = explode( ',', $row[ 'hits' ] );     echo "url " . $drc_url . " has " . $hits[$index] . "hits"; } 

but mark baker wrote in comment, better change db structure , build on new structure.
