android - Exception - failed to resolve attribute at index 6: TypedValue -

i'm seeing following exception:

04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime: android.view.inflateexception: binary xml file line #17: failed resolve attribute @ index 6: typedvalue{t=0x3/d=0x46 "res/color/abc_secondary_text_material_dark.xml" a=2 r=0x7f0e00e5} 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.view.layoutinflater.inflate( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.view.layoutinflater.inflate( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @$menuadapter.getview( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @$ 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.os.handler.handlecallback( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.os.looper.loop( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke(native method) 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @$ 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime: caused by: java.lang.unsupportedoperationexception: failed resolve attribute @ index 6: typedvalue{t=0x3/d=0x46 "res/color/abc_secondary_text_material_dark.xml" a=2 r=0x7f0e00e5} 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.content.res.typedarray.getlayoutdimension( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.view.viewgroup$layoutparams.setbaseattributes( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.view.viewgroup$marginlayoutparams.<init>( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.widget.framelayout$layoutparams.<init>( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.widget.framelayout.generatelayoutparams( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.widget.framelayout.generatelayoutparams( 04-06 13:35:58.498  4219  4219 e androidruntime:    @ android.view.layoutinflater.inflate( 

this has happened twice when clicked menu button in toolbar. unfortunately, seems quite unpredictable , happened twice out of lot of attempts. menu looks this:

<menu xmlns:android=""   xmlns:app="">    <item android:id="@+id/menu_action_show_project_startup"     android:title="@string/menu_action_project_intro"     android:orderincategory="300"     app:showasaction="never"/>    <item android:id="@+id/menu_action_report_issue"       android:title="@string/menu_action_report_issue"       android:orderincategory="300"       app:showasaction="never"/>    <item android:id="@+id/menu_action_toggle_mobile_data"     android:checkable="true"     android:checked="true"     android:title="@string/menu_action_toggle_mobile_data"     android:orderincategory="500"     app:showasaction="never"/>    <item android:id="@+id/menu_action_logout"     android:title="@string/menu_action_logout"     android:orderincategory="600"     app:showasaction="never"/>  </menu> 

i had @ similar question - android xml: runtimeexception: failed resolve attribute @ index 6 - problem doesn't seem originate fab button , using appcompat in app.

i think bug report google, make sure use correct theme
