i json-ld representation of schema.org in same way can have rdf version in http://topbraid.org/schema/.
i see main page of schema.org represented json-ld, there not type definitions there in rdf version.
for second question, how can json-ld parser understand properties of schema.org's person type if cannot access such information in json-ld?
the canonical representation of schema.org in html+rdfa.
rdfa is, json-ld, rdf serialization. should easy convert rdfa json-ld favorite rdf tool, if needed.
under https://schema.org/docs/tree.jsonld json-ld file can downloaded seems describe types (but no properties). (corresponding issue: add json(-ld) view of entire type hierarchy.)
under http://schema.org/docs/jsonldcontext.json json-ld context file can downloaded seems contain types , properties. doesn’t state included domain/range properties have.
the issue add more export formats (e.g. offered obsolete @ schema.rdfs.org) tracks ideas/plans provide other formats rdfa.
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