this question has answer here:
- define list of id's grouped item 1 answer
i trying query matching trans_location column form data user enters. have dropdown lets user choose multiple locations. when choose multiple places commas in between each location. when choose 1 location results come correct correct location. when choose more 1 location not find of locations. commas make 1 name , not search each location?
<cfset result = {} /> <cftry> <cfset date1 = #createodbcdatetime(form.startdate & '00:00:00')#> <cfset date2 = #createodbcdatetime(form.enddate & '23:59:59')#> <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#" name="getlocationinfo"> select * cl_checklists date >= #date1# , date <= #date2# , trans_location = '#form.location#' </cfquery> <cfoutput>#date1#</cfoutput> <cfoutput>#date2#</cfoutput> <cfdump var="#getlocationinfo#"> <cfcatch type="any"> <cfset result.error = cfcatch.message > <cfset result.detail = cfcatch.detail > </cfcatch> </cftry>
i tried doing this:
and trans_location = <cfqueryparam value='#form.location#' />
you need use in
operator in conjunction cfqueryparam
attribute. (here quick helpful tutorial cfqueryparam:
lastly: always, always, always use cfqueryparam
when sending parameters database.
<cfset result = {} /> <cftry> <cfset date1 = createodbcdatetime(form.startdate & '00:00:00')> <cfset date2 = createodbcdatetime(form.enddate & '23:59:59')> <cfquery datasource="#application.dsn#" name="getlocationinfo"> select * cl_checklists date >= <cfqueryparam value="#date1#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" /> , date <= <cfqueryparam value="#date2#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_timestamp" /> , trans_location in ( <cfqueryparam value="#form.location#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" list="true" /> ) </cfquery> <cfoutput>#date1#</cfoutput> <cfoutput>#date2#</cfoutput> <cfdump var="#getlocationinfo#"> <cfcatch type="any"> <cfset result.error = cfcatch.message > <cfset result.detail = cfcatch.detail > </cfcatch> </cftry>
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