Internal navigation rejected: <allow-navigation not set> in Cordova on iOS -

i have built ios app using cordova. app tries load web page e.g. in index.html. but, page stays white blank error in console "internal navigation rejected - <allow-navigation> not set url=''".

i have set <access origin="" subdomains="true" /> , tried setting <allow-navigation> tag. page stays blank. missing else? please guide.

after adding following meta tag in index.html, "internal navigation error" has gone, page still white blank. :(

<meta http-equiv="content-security-policy" content="default-src *; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; script src: 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'"> 

i having problem , turns out there 2 config.xml files. first 1 in xcode, have edit second 1 filesystem.

appname/config.xml  appname/platforms/ios/appname/config.xml 

i added

<allow-navigation href="*" />  

to both of them , worked. using 6.3.0.
