i want allow iot device receive connection remote client without device being connected wired network or wi-fi access point. bluetooth obvious choice, clients might not have bluetooth.
i thought wifi direct might wanted see in release notes windows 10 iot core build 10586 that
wifi direct limitations on iotcore
1.the iotcore device has connecting device – not work advertising device device initiating connection.
this implies api's wifidirectserviceadvertiser out , leaves me wondering other options there are. if want wi-fi seems i'll have try set non-wifi direct ad hoc wi-fi network. can't find .net uwp api (wifiadapter seems facilitate connecting networks can scanned for). there way of achieving want, perhaps using non-.net api available on windows 10 iot core?
i'm noob @ windows 10 iot, have same need.
i did notice there's way onboard device using iot dashboard, seems connect computer device via wifi in order join device network. possibly there api's can similar thing?
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