mysql - Use a trigger to insert a value based on a foreign key -

i have following tables in mysql database:


column              type            null default    links    comments    mime item_id (primary)   int(11)         no               fk_item_category    int(11)         yes  null   item_category -> item_category_id        item_name           varchar(45)     yes  null            item_description    varchar(45)     yes  null            item_price          decimal(5,2)    yes  null            


column                      type        null    default links    comments    mime item_category_id (primary)  int(11)     no               item_category_name          varchar(45) yes     null     


column              type            null    default           links  comments    mime order_id (primary)  int(11)         no               fk_order_user_email varchar(45)     yes     null              user -> user_email         order_time          datetime        yes     current_timestamp            order_pickup_time   time(6)         yes     null             order_instructions  varchar(45)     yes     null             order_gross_total   decimal(10,2)   yes     null             order_net_total     decimal(10,2)   yes     null     


column                      type            null    default links    comments    mime order_details_id (primary)  int(11)         no               fk_order_id                 int(11)         yes     null    order -> order_id        fk_order_item_id            int(11)         yes     null    item -> item_id      order_detail_unit_price     decimal(5,2)    yes     null             order_detail_quantity       int(11)         yes     null     

i have other tables too, trying create trigger on these tables specifically.

i trying create trigger add item_price order_detail table based on foreign key fk_order_item_id. trigger run after insert, , after update.

any appreciated. thanks

i recommend not using triggers in way. think application service correct location updating tables. if has in database consider use of stored procedure. should consider how going implement security of these tables. use of stored procedure can helpful, because can grant rights procedure user, not tables.

triggers can used conduct calculations before inserting or checking criteria.

i believe service in application best solution issue. should handle updates , security. in case might require multiple services. 1 creating order, possibly 1 updating after order placed. maybe deleting order, etc...
