windows - Batch check if last printed line contains a word -

i have 2 batch files a.bat , b.bat. a.bat calls b.bat , b.bat prints sentence screen. how can check sentence see if contains word , if contains set variable. example

sentance: hello, how today? if %sentance contains% hello set var=hello if %sentance contains% hi set var=hi 

there may more 1 sentance on screen want check displayed sentance.

here's have.

for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%i in ('b.bat') set lastline=%%i set "var=" echo %lastline%|findstr /i "\<hi\>">nul && set "var=hi" if errorlevel 1 (goto next0) else (goto found) :next0 echo %lastline%|findstr /i "\<hello\>">nul && set "var=hello" if errorlevel 0 (goto next1) else (goto found) :next1 echo %lastline%|findstr /i "\<hola\>">nul && set "var=hola" if errorlevel 0 (goto next2) else (goto found) :found echo %var% pause 

the code doesn't work if last line "this message hello"

echo string , search keyword:

set sentence=hello, how you? echo %sentence%|findstr /i "\<hello\>">nul && set "var=hello" echo %sentence%|findstr /i "\<hi\>">nul && set "var=hi" 

\< , \> means "word boundaries", avoids false positives (chinese, chello,...)

>nul redirects found string nirvana keep screen clear.

&& executes set command only, if previous command (findstr) successful.


based on last comment, understand: a.bat calls b.bat. b.bat writes several lines, , a.bat wants last of them (i hope, got right).

to last line of b.bat, use:

for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%i in ('b.bat') set lastline=%%i echo said: %lastline% set "var=" echo %lastline%|findstr /i "\<hello\>">nul && set "var=hello" echo %lastline%|findstr /i "\<hi\>">nul && set "var=hi" echo %lastline%|findstr /i "\<hola\>">nul && set "var=hola" echo/%var% 

but there little problem: for captures output of b.bat instead of showing screen. (especially prompt of set /p - don't know, when or input). work around that, force b.bat write screen (>con writes directly screen). basically, b.bat should this:

@echo off echo line gets captured a.bat >con echo line goes directly screen >con set /p "input=give me input: " echo %input%. 

note: used eol-trick aschipfl's answer, because (although looks ugly) works both " , ;, problematic "standard way" ("delims= eol="). of course still isn't foolproof (for example & still makes problems)
